Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm Back+Life Update!

Hello ladies, long time no talk eh?

First of all, I want to apologize for my absence, I just wasn't really feeling like blogging for the past months, reason being I was dealing with some serious personnal issues. Now, I guess I am in a better place and got my problems sorted. Second of all, blogging on my IPad was a pain in the ass so my boyfriend decided to buy us a laptop and I have to say it will probably make my blogging life a lot simpler. I've been really thinking about starting YouTube videos for a few weeks now aswell. Only thing is, I'm pretty scared honestly. Should I do it? I's a hell of a commitment, I would probably be 10 times more busy and I don't know if I could handle it. Anyway, another great thing is, I will probably be getting a new camera soon to take even better photographs for my blog! A lot of stuff is changing for me right now, change feels great! I feel like I was stuck in the same place for years but now, my life is moving forward. I am not sure if you care but, I got a new job, it was my dream job since I was really young and I am so grateful, I adore it. Honestly guys, I will say I am happy, finally.

So, new posts are coming soon and maybe some other exciting things! I promised myself I would work hard. Lastly, I want to wish to all of you Happy Holidays! I can't wait for Christmas to come!

Big kisses xx

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